Metamaterial Inspired SSHSS Planar Antenna
Metamaterial, multiband, Split Semi- Horseshoe Structure (SSHSS), negative permeabilityAbstract
In this paper, a metamaterial inspired split semi-horseshoe structure (SSHSS) antenna is designed and analyzed. Material effective
parameters are extracted using modified NRW approach which proved the metamaterial property of the new unit cell. Proposed antenna shows enhanced bandwidth (31.5% at 11.43 GHz), high directivity (11.9 dBi at 11.43 GHz) and moderate gain (3.9 dBi) at the resonance frequency. A prototype of the proposed antenna is fabricated on RT duroid. This antenna shows multiband characteristics. This antenna can be used as metamaterial inspired (X band) as well as normal patch antenna (Ku band). Experimental results show good agreement with simulated results.The proposed antenna has been simulated using IE3D electromagnetic simulator.
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