Author's Guidelines
Authors are strongly advised to visit the Publication Ethics page for authors’ responsibilities, publication methodology, and publication charges before submission to understand the Journal process. Further, it is advised to submitting authors to avoid copyright violation and plagiarism. The detailed guidelines of publication standards may be obtained from the section of Identifying Plagiarism on IEEE's website. Authors found submitting plagiarized manuscripts will be banned for one year from further submission.
The manuscript submitted to the journal must be original and unpublished. In this regard, the author(s) need(s) to submit copyright after acceptance of the paper that the manuscript submitted is original, unpublished and shall remain permanently open access on the webpage of International Journal of Advances in Microwave Technology.
For preparing the manuscript, use the following Manuscript Template and refer the current published issue for overall house style of the Journal. Since Journal follows the double-blind peer review policy, therefore, author (s) must submit their manuscript in two different files named as the Title page and Main Document.
- Title page: This page contains the title of the manuscript, authors and their affiliation, acknowledgment (if any), and biography of all the authors with photographs.
- Main Document: This document contains Title of the manuscript, Abstract, Keywords (min 3, max. 10), and followed by the main body of the document. Please ensure that it does not contain any author (s) identification within the document. To download the templates of the title page, main document, and copyright form use the following respective links.
Manuscript Template: Title Page