Effects of Sample Thickness for Dielectric Measurements Using Transmission Phase-Shift Method


  • Kok Yeow You Department of Communication Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineerin,g Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310, Johor


Transmission phase-shift, sample thickness, rectangular waveguide, dielectric measurements, sensitivity


This paper re-studies the simple transmission phase-shift method for dielectric measurement of low-loss material. This method is
explicit and material position-invariant. However, the sensitivity of transmission phase-shift is dependent on the material thickness. In this study, the effect of material thickness to the predicted relative permittivity of the material has been analyzed quantitatively. The sensitivity measurement was tested using customized X-band rectangular waveguide and three well-known materials, which are acrylic, FR-4 and RT/duroid 5880 substrate. Finally, appropriate thickness of the material in order to provide accurate predicted values of permittivity was determined.


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Author Biography

Kok Yeow You, Department of Communication Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineerin,g Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310, Johor

Kok Yeow You was born in 1977. He obtained his B.Sc. Physics (Honours) degree in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in 2001. He pursued his M.Sc. in Microwave at the Faculty of Science in 2003 and his Ph.D. in Wave Propagation at the Institute for Mathematical Research in 2006 at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). Recently, he is a Senior Lecturer at Communication Engineering Department, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). His main personal research interest is in the theory, simulation, and instrumentation of electromagnetic wave propagation at microwave frequencies focusing on the development of microwave sensors for material characteristics, medical and agricultural processing.


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How to Cite

Kok Yeow You. (2020). Effects of Sample Thickness for Dielectric Measurements Using Transmission Phase-Shift Method. International Journal of Advances in Microwave Technology, 1(3), 64-67. Retrieved from https://ijamt.com/index.php/ijamt/article/view/59