Active RCS Reduction in Series-fed Dipole Phased Array in Hostile Probing Environment
Radar cross section, scattering, phased array, center-fed dipole antenna, active cancellation, modified iimproved LMS algorithmAbstract
The radar cross section (RCS) of an aerospace platform can be reduced significantly by controlling the scattering from phased arrays mounted over it. This may be achieved by exploiting the capability of active cancellation of probing sources by the array. If the array reduces the RCS towards the hostile probing directions, the platform becomes invariably invisible towards the probing radar source. This concept of active RCS reduction has been used to reduce the array RCS of a series-fed linear dipole array using modified improved LMS algorithm. The array performance in terms of active RCS reduction depends upon the geometrical configuration, number of antenna elements, design parameters of radiating element and feed network, and the signal environment considered. It is observed that the current feeding parameter does not affect much the adapted RCS pattern; instead parameters like characteristic and load impedances, power level of probing sources and efficiency of adaptive algorithm play crucial role in placing deep nulls in RCS pattern towards the respective probing
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