Design of a Compact GA-Optimized Annular-Slot Multiband Circular Microstrip Antenna


  • Paras Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, College of Technology, G. B. Pant University of Ag. & Technology, Pantnagar-263145 (India)
  • R. P. S. Gangwar Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering College of Technology, G. B. Pant University of Ag. & Technology, Pantnagar-263145, (India)


circular patch microstrip antenna, annular slot, GA, cavity modal analysis


A compact size circular patch microstrip antenna having 270o annular slot with single feed has been proposed. Its structure has been optimized using a very simple and appropriate Genetic Algorithm (GA) tool. The reference antenna has been designed by calculating the structural parameters using the cavity model analysis. GA optimizes the structure of reference antenna for the optimum response in terms of Reflection coefficient, gain, axial ratio, directivity, and radiation pattern. The optimized antenna exhibits excellent characteristics in terms of these performance parameters as compared to the reference antenna.


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How to Cite

Paras, & Gangwar, R. P. S. . (2016). Design of a Compact GA-Optimized Annular-Slot Multiband Circular Microstrip Antenna. International Journal of Advances in Microwave Technology, 1(1), 30-35. Retrieved from